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On your radio dial 93.1FM CKCU, Carleton University Radio - I Am Alive, hosted by Suzette Schmiedel, Ottawa

Suzette Shmiedel will be interviewing me about the impact on the Ottawa community of the work I do with music and mental health and how I arrived at my calling. This is a live show at 7:00 am (following the news) so grab a cup of java and listen in while you prepare to start your day. Every week 'I Am Alive' promotes physical, mental and emotional wellness and is broadcast to thousands of listeners throughout the Ottawa/Outaouais region on Thursday mornings from 7 to 8 AM on CKCU 93.1 FM radio station. The host of the show, Mindful Suzette, is a mindfulness and stress management consultant of the Wellness Learning Centre. The show features live interviews on varied wellness and awareness topics and many helpful tips to help increase wellness. You can subscribe for free and listen to the show at any time by registering below. Here is a sample podcast of the show: